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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

We are experiencing. . .

technical difficulties. I went to throw up a post today. . .it was going to be ill. New Nas track, fresh for the masses. Truns out my recent update to blogger beta wasn't such a good look after all. Screwed up my audio posting compatibility. Soooo...while I get that all sorted out, you all are going to have to be patient with me. I promise to bring some hot fiya when I'm back to 100%. For now. . .use this time to check out the brilliant individuals doing similar things featured in the blog roll. I personally recommend O-Dub, as his blog was the model on which this fine machine was built on.

Also, I'm throwing in a little something I've just discovered, but some of you may have already been on to it. It's a turntablist technique called the Turntablist Transcription Methodology (ttm). Sounds geeked out. . .and it is. But it's a really well thought out, comprehensive, and well made web site on cutting it up on the tables and doing it proper. I myself will admit that I cannot cut for shit. I may be able to blend and mix, but in a DJ battle. . .my ass will get chewed up. So I'm going to study up and all you aspiring turntablist should do so as well. Click it here and get started now. I'm going to throw this link up in the blog roll under a new heading on the blog roll. Look out for it. Until next post. . .wish me luck and hopefully we'll be up and running soon.