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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Night before Xmas. . .

Vince Guaraldi Trio-
My Little Drum
From A Charlie Brown Christmas (Fantasy, 1988)

Vince Guaraldi Trio-
From A Charlie Brown Christmas (Fantasy, 1988)

Maria y Luis-
From Merry Christmas from Sesame Street (Children's Television Workshop, 1975)

This is probably the jazziest Christmas album out there. Sure, Kenny G can hold it down on 101.9 FM on Christmas eve, but the Vince Guaraldi Trio is the real deal. Not only did they give the world that classic Charlie Brown Theme, but their take on the Brazilian film Orfeo Negro (Black Orpheus) soundtrack is a killer as well. Oh yea, this jazzy trio keeps it hip and cool and will make even the stuffiest family get down and tap their toes after a few rounds of some spiked egg nog.

And for nostalgia's sake I'm throwing in one from the Sesame Street Gang. This one is in true Sesame Street style; a Puerto Rican paranda classic called "Saludo." Brings me back to the days of street parties, piraguas, bomb y plena, and tropical Christmas Trees. And besides, who doesn't love a little xmas cheer from a crew of talking animal puppets? Exactly. This one is from the heart. . .Merry Christmas, Felice Navida, and all that other good holiday stuff.